Bring happiness to your company


Service +Info


Need a speaker for a Company event? Are you looking for a motivational pill for your employees? Let´s talk.

Mindfulness for your company

  • Helps control stress and anxiety
  • Gain concentration.
  • Greater emotional intelligence and management.
  • Better interpersonal relationships.
  • Promotes creativity
  • Improves memory

Time management

How to get the most out of our 1440 minutes a day? Too many emails, meetings, meetings, the pone and so many other time thieves that are present in our day to day. We have so many things to do and we are not getting closing to our goal. What are these time thieves? What is our goal?

Conflict management and comunication

Between departments, with clients, with other employees and peers, even with ourselves. Conflict management and communication is a great tool to have!

Efficients meetings and creating and alliance

Don´t waste your time in ineffective meetings that don´t bring solutions to an issue or the Company. Learn as a team to create effective meetings that will sabe you time and therefore money.